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Lion Air and Batik Air Providing Travel Options from and to “Jogja” via YOGYAKARTA KULONPROGO International Airport

Aug 31, 2020, 18:02 PM by User Not Found


Supporting description: Batik Air Airbus 320-200 operates at Yogyakarta Kulonprogo International Airport (YIA). Photo by Theodorus Aji Baru @th_aji_baruno.


K U L O N P R O G O – August 28, 2020. Batik Air (flight code ID) and Lion Air (flight code JT) member of Lion Air Group convey the latest information in offering a choice of air travel to and from Jogja and the surrounding area, which can be reached through Yogyakarta Kulonprogo International Airport (YIA).

Lion Air and Batik Air are operated in Yogyakarta on March 29, 2020, until now. Batik Air's inaugural flight on YIA started on May 25, 2019. Lion Air Group will continue to expand the flight network regularly.

Lion Air Group would like to thank you for the support, cooperation from airport managers, regulators, air traffic regulators, and related partners in carrying out each operation. On this occasion, Lion Air Group expressed appreciation, congratulations, and success for the inauguration of YIA by President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo accompanied by Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi, Minister of State-Owned Enterprises, Erick Thohir, Governor of Special Region of Yogyakarta, Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X and President Director of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Faik Fahmi.

Lion Air Group declared that all of the operations are carried out according to standard operating procedures (SOP), which prioritize the safety, security, and comfort (safety first) factors of the flight.

Network availability and departure and arrival times by Lion Air and Batik Air in YIA are expected to be the right choice in traveling that further complements air travel to Yogyakarta directly (non-stop) as well as connecting flights.

Lion Air and Batik Air in Yogyakarta Kulonprogo provide direct and interconnected destinations to Jakarta (Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in Tangerang and Halim Perdanakusuma International Airport), Banda Aceh, Medan, Pekanbaru, Batam, Padang, Palembang, Pangkalpinang, Tanjung Karang-Lampung, Pontianak, Palangkaraya, Balikpapan, Banjarmasin, Samarinda, Berau, Tarakan, Makassar, Palu, Kendari, Luwik, Gorontalo, Manado, Ternate, Ambon, Sorong, Jayapura, Denpasar, Lombok, Bima, Kupang, Waingapu , Labuan Bajo, Maumere, Rote and other destinations.

For facilities at YIA Airport, Batik Air's domestic departure terminal is on Island B, the reporting desk (counter check-in) number B25-B32. For Lion Air domestic departures on Island C, check-in counter number C9-C16. Customer services are currently available on each island.

The boarding gate (waiting room) is located on the 3rd floor, which will be divided using a connecting line (aviobridge or garbarata) and using a bus (neoplane).

Lion Air and Batik Air's services and operations in Yogyakarta Kulonprogo mark YIA as the second airport in Yogyakarta and the fifth airport in the Jogja Solo Semarang (Joglosemar) area served by the Lion Air Group for commercial civil aviation.

So, it gives optimism to accommodate the needs of air travel for passengers from Yogyakarta, Sleman Regency, Bantul Regency, Gunungkidul Regency, Kulonprogo Regency, Purworejo Regency, Wonosobo Regency, Kebumen Regency, Magleng Regency, Klaten Regency, and other areas.

To provide service to passengers, to provide comfort, and enhance the flying experience, Lion Air operates a Boeing 737-800 Next Generation (NG) with a capacity of 189 economy class and Boeing 737-900ER with 215 economy class seats. Lion Air's modern generation fleet is equipped with the latest cabin interiors.

Lion Entertainment is already installed in some aircraft, Lion Air facilities in providing inflight entertainment when flying to provide a more enjoyable flying experience. The content provided in W-IFE from AirFi Indonesia is very diverse and interesting, including movies (Hollywood, Bollywood, Korean, Mandarin, Indonesia), videos for children, magazines, games, in-cabin chat, and other featured features.

Batik Air provides the best experience for every guest to have a memorable flight with one of the newest fleet of Airbus and Airbus 320-200NEO 320-200CEO offers a capacity of 12 business class seats and 144 economy class, Boeing 737-900ER (12 business class and 168 economy class), Boeing 737-800NG (12 business classes and 150 economy classes). The entire fleet is equipped with in-flight entertainment (audio-video on-demand) on each seat, spacious seat pitch, as well as in-flight meals.


Flight with Confidently

The implementation of the flight is carried out as the guidelines of health and safety protocols include arrangements when waiting in the waiting room, starting to enter the boarding cabin. 1. Arrive early before departure. This is to minimize the impact of long lines at check-in. Lion Air Group check-in counters will be closed 30 minutes before the departure time for domestic flights, 2. Show a valid identity card (KTP or other identification), 3. Wear a mask before the flight, while on the plane until landing and upon arrival and leaving the airport, 4. Washing hands with soap or using hand sanitizer, 5. Follow the rules of safe distance (physical distancing) while at the airport terminal, 6. Maintaining cleanliness while on the plane, 7. Following flight crew instructions, 8. Fill out an electronic health alert card (e-HAC) that can be accessed (download) through the e-HAC Indonesia mobile application (Android) or  http://sinkarkes.kemkes.go.id/ehac.

For the Yogyakarta area, Lion Air Group has collaborated with local health facilities and Dompet Dhuafa Republika provides Covid-19 Rapid Test services. The facilities are available in 5 (five) locations currently at Yogyakarta Kulonprogo International Airport, Sleman, and Bantul. With the hope that passengers will get more value, effectively and efficiently with the presence of a place or location for Lion Air Group cooperation services for the Covid-19 Rapid Test.

The implementation of the Covid-19 Rapid Test according to what Lion Air Group has been run with 14 days validity period. Every passenger will receive a certificate of health test results Rapid as a complete flight document.

In line with implementing safety first, operational standards of procedures during the Covid-19 pandemic alert period, including all flight crews who are actively flying have tested or tested health with negative results, pre-flight health checks are carried out before the flight, in order to determine the health condition and flight conditions (airworthy for flight).

In terms of aircraft operated, that all aircraft before flying is carried out disinfectant spraying, to ensure sterilization and cleanliness of the aircraft. Besides, the improvement of aircraft hygiene activities periodically with the method of Aircraft Exterior and Interior Cleaning (AEIC). All aircraft are supported and have a robust cabin and particle air filtration system, which is equipped with High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters. The device is installed and works using several filtration methods that filter out more than 99.9% of particle types in various sizes, including viruses and bacteria.

For media queries, contact us at the following:

Lion Air

Phone: (+6221) 6379 8000

Email: customercare@lionairgroup.com


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