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Lion Air Group Together with Health Facilities Network in Efforts to Support the Implementation of Digitalization of Passenger Air Travel Health Documents “Flight Process will be Easier, Healthier and Safer”

Feb 11, 2021, 10:56 AM by User Not Found


J A K A R T A  10 February 2021Lion Air (JT Flight Code), Wings Air (IW Flight Code), Batik Air (ID Flight Code) member of Lion Air Group conveys the latest developments together with the cooperation network of health facilities providers (hospitals, clinics, laboratories, health centers and others) including Dompet Dhuafa Republika through Dompet Dhuafa Social Enterprise (DDSE), Lion Air Medika Clinic and other faskes will support the digitization of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Rapid Test Antigen or PCR/ SWAB) health test documents for passengers gradually during the Covid-19 pandemic alert period.

Total of health facility cooperation for Rapid Test Antigen services to date (10/ 02) has been available in 25 strategic locations at affordable rates of Rp 95,000 (Ninety Five Thousand Rupiah) in various cities or regions, including in Banda Aceh, Medan, Deli Serdang Regency, Pematang Siantar Regencyr, Padang, Pekanbaru, Palembang, Pangkalpinang, Kota Tangerang, Jakarta, Bogor, Cikarang-Kabupaten Bekasi, Bandung, Makassar, Maros, Kendari, Banjarmasin, Balikpapan, Badung-Bali Regency, as well as preparing in other cities or airports.

Digitalization is the process of using and developing software technology (platform) on all activities carried out by:

1. Health facilities (before flight)

Health facilities will register in the Vaksinku or Paspor Sehat platforms. The results of  health tests conducted on passengers, input accurately and on time in the system (real time).

Health facility personnel directly  send  data to  publish a  letter of Covid-19  test results  and integrated into the electronic Health Alert Card (e-HAC) application.

e-HAC will produce digital data in the form of health test results letter according to passenger choice (Rapid Test Antigen or PCR / SWAB).

2. Passenger (guest)

a. Before departure

Prospective passengers are expected to download the e-HAC application via  their  respective smartphones from  the Google  Play  Store  or  Apple  Store  or  can  be accessed https://inahac.kemkes.go.id

Prospective passengers receive a letter of electronic health test results and get a QR Code (quick response code) in the e-HAC application. This code is a two-dimensional barcode that can provide information directly according to covid-19 data and test results.

Prospective passengers will show a barcode (QR code) to the relevant agency officer who conducts verification (examination) of health test documents at the airport terminal.

The e-HAC system was developed by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, in this case the Directorate of Health Surveillance and Quarantine, Directorate General of Disease Prevention and Control.

b. Arrival

Passengers register on the e-HAC application before departure or when after landing by filling out all the requirements according to the existing column (form) / listed, based on personal data and history correctly and correctly.

Guide fill out e-HAC please to read and observe from the following instructions: https://infeksiemerging.kemkes.go.id/download/Panduan_Pengguna_Aplikasi_E-HAC.pdf

After arriving at the arrival terminal of the destination airport, show the barcode (QR code) on the e-HAC application to the health officer. The scanner will read and check the data that has been filled in before.

Lion Air Group together with a network of health facilities cooperation aims to provide convenience for passengers in preparing and meeting the requirements of air travel documents, which will travel by plane by departure from the airport based on the city of departure.

Flights will Be Easier, Healthier and Safer

Lion Air Group operates based on factors that meet the elements of safety, safety first and as the guidelines of health protocols.

In the operation of lion air group flight services serve as an operator (airlines) to carry or fly passengers who have been declared eligible to travel by plane, from the original airport to the destination airport.

As stipulated in the air travel requirements during the Covid-19 pandemic alert period, that every passenger who is declared fit to fly and can enter the aircraft cabin for safe and health for flight has gone through a series of checks (verification and validation) of documents, luggage and others at the departure airport, including:

  1. Health test examinations at health agencies and accurate results because they have been signed by the medical team of health facility providers.
  2. Passengers submit a certificate of Covid-19 health test results from the health agency indicated by the passenger to the Port Health Office (KKP).
  3. KKP examines and authenticates the certificate.
  4. The first security check point 1 by the airport's aviation security officer.
  5. The second security check point 2 by the airport's aviation security officer.

Thus, these agencies have carried out checks and checks on all requirements including documents needed to travel by plane.

Efforts in supporting the digitization of health documents are part of the flight process that is expected to have a positive impact, among others:

  1. Digital validation system will also increase security to minimize or prevent the practice of counterfeiting Covid-19 test letters.
  2. Health protocols can be implemented and fulfilled more easily, so that passengers get a digital culture flight experience in the era of customer experience - seamless journey.
  3. Practical, because digitization will provide ease and security of data access compared to paper that is easily damaged and lost.
  4. Established a system for rapid monitoring of all movements of passengers coming to Indonesia or intercity (domestic) through the airport.

Therefore, a successful digital transformation requires digitization and digitization from various parties according to their respective functions in order to truly achieve their goals.

Air Circulation in The Cabin Is Well Maintained

Lion Air Group's entire fleet includes modern aircraft that have a High Efficiency Particulate Air (AIR) system called HEPA filter and Extraction System (by Environment Control System (ECS)) that ensures fresh in-cabin air.

HEPA filters help maintain air hygiene in the cabin and filter out more than 99.9% of viruses, germs, insects and bacteria. The air inside the aircraft cabin is updated every 2-3 minutes, making it fresher. For air from the toilet (lavatory) and kitchen (galley) directly flowed out of the plane.

Disinfection and cleanliness of the aircraft are also continuously carried out in detail including the flight deck; kitchen (galley); lavatories, including doors, door handles, sinks and trash cans; feeding mats and handles; in-flight entertainment facilities including remote control; luggage storage bin handle; overhead lighting, air vents and call buttons; seat back; seat covers; seatbelts; seat headrests; carpet floor; windows and window coverings; other passenger facilities; cargo compartment and others.

Domestic flight provisions for the period 09 February 2021 until further notice, in accordance with 1) Circular Letter No. 19 of 2021 of the Ministry of Transportation concerning Guidelines for Implementing Domestic Travel by Air Transportation During the Corona Virus Disease Pandemic 2019 (Covid-19). 2) Circular Letter No. 7 of 2021 Task Force handling Covid-19 concerning Extension of Domestic Travel Provisions during the Corona Virus Disease 2019 Pandemic (Covid-19).

International flight provisions for the period 09 February 2021 until further notice, in accordance with 1) Circular Letter No. 21 of 2021 of the Ministry of Transportation on Guidelines for the Implementation of International Travel by Air Transportation During the Corona Virus Disease Pandemic 2019 (Covid-19). 2) Circular Letter Number 8 Year 2021 Task Force handling Covid-19 on International Travel Health Protocols During the Corona Virus Disease Pandemic 2019 (Covid-19).


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Lion Air

Phone: (+6221) 6379 8000

Email: customercare@lionairgroup.com


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